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The Wheelchair Wheel of Life -Erik Kondo

Updated: Feb 9, 2023

The WWoL is a modification of the Wheel of Life[1]. It takes into consideration the influence of society (Top Down - external factors) and the person’s attitude (Bottom Up - internal factors) on all major areas of a wheelchair user’s life. The WWoL is a tool for the individual for self-evaluation. It is also a tool for society to assess and to improve the lives of wheelchair users overall by recognizing the importance and interconnectedness of the entire wheel as opposed to only parts of it.

The WWoL differs from the WoL in that the influence society has a greater effect on the lives of people with disabilities than for the able-bodied population since society is primarily engineered for and by able-bodied people. In addition, due to the frequent problems encountered by wheelchair users in navigating environmental and societal barriers, their individual attitude (outlook) has an over-sized effect on the other areas of their lives.

HEALTH ISSUES - Wellness, Medical Complications, Secondary Complications

PERSONAL MOBILITY ISSUES - Wheelchair, Assistive Devices and Aids, Activities of Daily Living

ATTITUDINAL ISSUES - Psychological, Emotional, Spiritual, Personal Growth

PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT ISSUES - At Home, At Work, Traveling, Commuting, Shopping, Errands

ECONOMIC ISSUES - Job, Career, Medical Expenses, Education, Housing

SOCIETAL ISSUES - Social Attitudes and Barriers, Stigmas, Inclusion, Exclusion

SOCIAL ISSUES - Family, Friends, Romance, Relationships

RECREATIONAL ISSUES - Fun, Entertainment, Leisure Activities, Sports, Hobbies

[1] The Wheel of Life was created by Paul J. Meyer.


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